Connecting Ukrainian and global business to support the relief and defence efforts

Connecting Ukrainian and global business to support the relief and defence efforts

We pride ourselves on possessing one of the most comprehensive databases of senior executives at major Ukrainian corporations, as well as current and potential international investors from across the world, and invest a great deal of time and money to grow and keep it accurate.

The database is being used to good effect even though we’ve had to put on hold the B2B conferences it usually successfully promotes.

We are receiving daily requests to connect different organisations with a view to forging valuable new contacts to assist the relief and defence efforts. Just a few examples include:

  • An auto components manufacturer in Western Ukraine has switched to producing much needed body armour but is lacking certain materials. We are connecting them with the required suppliers;
  • A leading Ukrainian agrarian association has launched a campaign to avoid a global food supply crisis by providing small farmers with access to agricultural inputs, fuel and machinery. We are helping them by reaching out to members of the international agribusiness community, who are regulars at our conferences;
  • An international recruiter is working to place Ukrainian IT specialists who have had to flee the country in positions with leading tech companies in Europe. We have connected them with Ukraine’s leading IT communities;
  • Representatives of the leading global print media and TV contact us daily to interview our most influential speakers from regional and national government and business leaders in Ukraine and we put them in touch with each other.

If you wish to reach out to the international and Ukrainian business communities to help support Ukraine, simply contact me at to discuss how we can help.