Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Head of Office,
National Investment Council
Regional Manager, Ukraine, Belarus & Moldova,
International Finance Corporation
CEO, Passenger Company,
Ukrainian Railways
Senior Counsel,
Head of Resident Representation,
European Investment Bank
Program Leader, Infrastructure & Sustainable Development, Belarus, Moldova & Ukraine,
World Bank
Managing Director,
HHLA International
Legal Director & Member of the Board,
East-West Intermodal Logistics
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Expert, EU-funded project
“Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for establishment of National Transport Model and Master Plan”
Team Leader,
EU-funded project “Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for establishment of National Transport Model and Master Plan”
Counsel & Head of Infrastructure,
First Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Head of Investments,
UMG Investments
Senior Sector Economist,
European Investment Bank
Deputy CEO,
Director, Reform Support Team,
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Chief Commercial Officer (Aviation revenue),
Kharkiv Airport
Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
Ukrainian Railways
Director, Reform Support Team,
Deputy Head, Ukraine, Sustainable Infrastructure,
State Agency for Infrastructure Projects of Ukraine
Business Development Director,
Acting Head,
Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority
Senior Investment Officer,
International Finance Corporation
Founding Partner,
Aviation & Airports Expert
NGO Infrastructure Council
Project Manager, Public Transport programmes,
Egis Ukraine
Associate Director,
Managing Director,
Centre for Transport Strategies
Commercial Director,
Odesa International Airport
Senior Air Transport Expert,
EU-funded project “Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for establishment of National Transport Model and Master Plan”
Senior Expert / Port Engineer,
EU-funded project “Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for establishment of National Transport Model and Master Plan”
Sector Expert, Air, Maritime & Innovative Transport,
European Investment Bank
Senior Project Manager, Rail, Reform Support Team,
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Head, SPILNO PPP Project Management Office,
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Ukraine is moving ahead with PPP and concession models to deliver its ambitious national transportation strategy and much progress has been made to date:
The Ukrainian Transport Infrastructure Week has been convened to showcase those major transport infrastructure projects to be delivered through PPP and concession mechanisms.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join with all the key stakeholders – Ministries, State Agencies and State-owned Enterprises, financial institutions, advisors, infrastructure developers and operators - for a timely and invaluable insight into the major infrastructure projects, which are being developed in one of Europe’s most vibrant economies.
The Week features a series of 5 90-minute webinars, focusing on Ports, Roads, Rail, Airports and beginning with a government overview. Each webinar takes place at 16:00 Kyiv time to allow present and potential investors from both Europe and North America the opportunity to participate. Simultaneous translation between English and Ukrainian will be provided.
Transport infrastructure as a driver of growth and transformation of the Ukrainian economy
How will government deliver the ambitious National Transportation Strategy and Action Plan
What are the legislative and institutional reforms for developing and modernising the transport sector?
Role of International Financial Institutions – how the IFIs are supporting the sector
What can Ukraine learn from international experience in financing and delivering mega-projects?
Realising Ukraine’s potential as an international transport hub
Lessons learned from implementing port concession
Port privatisations - when and which ports?
What is needed to make Ukrainian ports competitive?
What are the key strategic priorities for the USPA?
Productively engaging with the private sector
Inland waterways – realising the unexploited potential
The input and role of the International Financial Institutions – how the IFIs are supporting the sector
Focus on government policy, achievements in the first year of the major road-building programme and what will be delivered in 2021
Key features of the Road PPP programme and an overview of the 6 pilot projects
Learning from international experience when deciding how best to finance and deliver major transport infrastructure projects. Case studies from neighbouring countries
Outlining the programme for the development of the road sector, including through the concession mechanism
The input and role of the International Financial Institutions – how the IFIs are supporting the road-building programme
Highlights of the programme for the development and modernisation of the road network and conclusions from current studies by the IFIs. How will the funds from the latest loan agreements be utilised?
The introduction of toll road concessions. What is the timescale and which will be the first projects? How bankable and financially attractive is the model to investors / concessionaires?
The outlook for the development of autobahns and of ring roads around Kyiv and other major cities
Realising Ukraine’s transit potential in the international system of transport corridors
Key challenges of PPP and concession projects in Ukraine
The timescale for the concessions of railway stations – when this year will they be launched and what will the key features of such agreements be?
Progress in the unbundling of UZ as a key step in the process of European integration
What is the outlook for the development of a national high-speed rail network?
Update on the electrification project. When are the tender winners announced and what is the timescale for the project’s implementation?
Activity to date and future plans of UZ to access the international capital markets. Focus on plans to conduct an international IPO and investor sentiment to date
Progress to date in raising levels of corporate governance at UZ. What has the Supervisory Board achieved to date and what is its key focus of attention?
Outlining UZ’s plans to overhaul and update its rolling stock
The outlook for opening up the rail network for private rail operators – when will the first pilots take place?
To what extent will the drop in airport revenue and passenger numbers due to the pandemic impact planned investments in airport development?
Which airports will be put forward to be managed by concession and what is the preferred model?
Regional airports as a key growth area. How best to attract the necessary financing and management expertise for modernisation and upgrading
The outlook for private sector development of airports – spotlight on Kyiv Sikorsky and Dnipro
Which 2nd tier airports are to be included in the ‘Big Construction’ programme?