Alternate Board Director
Chairman of the Board
Deputy Governor
National Bank of Ukraine
Deputy Head, Financial Policy & Banking Committee
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Chairman of the Board
Raiffeisen Bank Aval
Deputy Chairman of the Board
CEO & Country Officer
Citi Ukraine
Deputy Managing Director
Deposit Guarantee Fund
White & Case
Managing Director, Eastern Europe & Caucasus
Senior Adviser
Alfa-Bank Ukraine /
Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine
Partner, Head of Finance & Projects
DLA Piper
Chairman of the Board
Universal Bank
Director, Asset Sales Department
Deposit Guarantee Fund
Senior EM Sovereign Strategist
BlueBay Asset Management
Supervisory Board Member
Managing Partner,
Europe Editor
The Banker
Head of Banking & Finance Practice
Evris Law Firm
Regional Manager, Ukraine & Belarus
International Finance Corporation
Member of the Management Board, Financial Markets
Credit Agricole Ukraine
Chief Executive Officer
In recent times monumental changes have taken place in the Ukrainian banking sector: the number of institutions has halved; a challenging, but much-required, reform process has moved ahead and the clean-up has been best epitomised by the nationalisation and recapitalisation of the country’s largest lender, Privatbank, which took place in a swift and controlled manner.
Much effort is being made to restore confidence in the financial sector and to encourage banks to increase lending to the real economy. Many challenges and issues for debate remain, not least: Creditor rights protection, how to resolve NPLs, the adequacy of capitalisation requirements and further consolidation and M&A activity in the sector.
All of these crucial issues and many more will be discussed at the Ukrainian Banking Day in London by key stake-holders in the sector, including:
Don’t miss out on this unique and timely meeting-place for key decision-makers from the Ukrainian banking sector and their international peers.