City of Lviv
Lviv Regional State Administration
Deputy CEO
Managing Director
Leoni Wiring Systems UA
Managing Director
PRETTL Kabelkonfektion
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Director, Key Accounts
Deputy CEO
SE Bordnetze-Ukraine
Chief Executive Officer
Head of Supervisory Council
Head of Country Cluster, EE
Partner Emeritus
AT Kearney /
Former Deputy Minister of Economic Development & Trade of Ukraine
Plant Manager
TE Connectivity Ivano Frankivsk
Head of Investment Department
Lviv Regional State Administration
Business Process Excellence Manager, EU
Gentherm Ukraine
Regional Development & Sales Manager
Chairman, Committee for Industrial Policy & Entrepreneurship
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
International Forwarding Manager
Groupe CAT
Principal Banker, Manufacturing & Services
Deputy Director
Regional Manager, Ukraine, Belarus & Moldova
International Finance Corporation
Chairman of the Board
UkrAvto Corporation
Managing Partner
Advice Group
Deputy General Director for Development
In cooperation with UkrAutoprom, the Ukrainian Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association
31st October 2017, Leopolis Hall, Lviv
A major inward investment trend has been gathering momentum in Ukraine in recent times, but has largely gone under the radar in terms of attracting the attention of the wider business community.
Leading international automotive component manufacturers, led by Germany, Japan and North America, have been opening production facilities, primarily in Western Ukraine, to serve their global OEM customers whose vehicle plants are located just over the border in the EU.
This is allowing them to take advantage of Ukraine’s competitive wage environment, qualified labour force and the logistical advantages of proximity to the EU with which Ukraine enjoys a Free Trade Agreement.
In addition, Ukrainian’s domestic car, bus and truck manufacturers are closely monitoring the gradual upturn in the economy in anticipation of a positive impact on vehicle sales and demand.
The Ukrainian Automotive Forum will provide you with a unique platform to hear from and meet with all the key stakeholders in the industry, including:
Topics for discussion to include: